WUFC World Ranking
(K-1 / American Boxing / Kickboxing / Muay Thai / Thai Boxing / Pugilato...)
AM & PRO Male and Female - RANKINGS
LAST UP DATE: 19-02-2017
Only listed who have already fought in WUFC International fights promotions.
-49 kgs * 108,05 lbs flyweight / -51 kgs * 112,46 lbs super flyweight / -53 kgs * 116,87 lbs bantamweight / -55 kgs * 121,28 lbs super bantamweight / -57 kgs * 125,69 lbs featherweight / -59 kgs * 130,10 lbs super featherweight / -61,5kgs *135,60 lbs lightweight / -63,5 kgs * 140,02 lbs super lightweight / -67,0 kgs * 147,74 lbs welterweight / -69,0 kgs *152,15 lbs super welterweight / -72,5 kgs * 159,86 lbs middleweight / -75,0 kgs * 165,38 lbs super middleweight / -78,5 kgs * 173,09 lbs light-heavyweight / -82,5 kgs * 181,91 lbs super light-heavyweight / -84,5 kgs * 186,32 lbs cruiserweight / -88,5 kgs * 195,14 lbs super-cruiserweight / -91,5 kgs * 201,76 lbs heavyweight / + 91,5 kgs * +201,76 lbs super heavyweight
-53 kgs * 116,87 lbs bantamweight
All Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Kevin Ferreira - Switzerland
Iseli Milan - Switzerland
Nelson Pinto - Portugal
Luís Calção - Portugal
-55 kgs * 121,28 lbs super bantamweight
World K-1 Rules Champion: Kévyn Bro - France
World Pro LK Champion: Celso Costa - Portugal
European Am FC Champion: Celso Costa - Portugal
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Jamie Chedotal - England
Roberto Escabias - Spain
Karan Trivedi - India
Andre Valongueiro - Portugal
Raul Piedade - Portuga
-57 kgs * 125,69 lbs featherweight
World K-1 Rules Champion: Tibi Micuda - Romania
European Muay Thai Champion: Joel Ferreira - Portugal
Brazil Am Full-contact Champion: Cleyton Barbosa
International Prestige FC K-1 Rules Champion: Cedric Marin - Switzerland
All Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Terrence Camilleri - France
Derbey Mathieu - France
Mauricio Frias - Portugal
Yassine Hamloi - France
Helder da Silva - Switzerland
Joni Salgado - Portugal
-59 kgs * 130,10 lbs super featherweight
World K-1 Rules Champion: Peter Georgio - England
World Am Full Contact Champion: Batraev Aselider - Dagestan Rep.
World Am MT Champion: Cedric Marin - Switzerland
International Prestige Pro FC Champion: Celso Costa - Portugal
International Prestige Am FC Champion: Pedrinho Cedric - France
Brazil Am MT Champion: Henrique Herlito
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Ibrahim Bakarat - Germany
Tibi Micuda - Romania
Marco Afonso - Switzerland
Martin Rodriguez - Switzerland
Mickael Reilles - France
-61,5kgs *135,60 lbs lightweight
World K-1 Rules Champion: Mohammad Bnar - Iran
Past World K-1 Rules Champion: Luís Neves - Portugal
International Prestige FC Champion: Luís Neves - Portugal
International Prestige Junior FC K-1 Rules Champion: Oscar Nave - Portugal
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Dilshodbek Mitrzaev - Uzbekn
Dino Adad - France
Rui Briceno - Portugal
Marco Mouser - Switzerland
Sebastien Fleury - Switzerland
Baptiste Bays - Switzerland
Eduardo Oliveira - Portugal
-63,5 kgs * 140,02 lbs super lightweight
World Pro Full-Contact Champion: Samir El Quaissi - Spain
World Am K-1 Rules Champion: Guillaume Bernard - France
Past World K-1 Rules Champion: Oscar Nave - Portugal, Shamil Guseynov – Dagestan Rep. Russia, Gadzhiev Magomed – Dagestan Rep.
Past World Pro Full-Contact Champion:Vardan Mnatsakanyan - Armenia
World Am Full-Contact Champion: Chako Sargsyan - Armenia
European Pro FC Champion: Juan del Valle - Spain
International Prestige Pro FC Champion: Carlos Lima - Portugal
International Prestige LK Champion: Illya Popov - Ukraine
International Prestige Am FC Champion: Hugo Augusto - Portugal
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Dylan Vidal - France
Liam Simons - England
Luís Neves - Portugal
Kurban Gadzhiev - Russia
Darren O’Connor - England
Vincent Bordes - Switzerland
Marco Tami - Switzerland
Kamel Bajioui - France
Sukhdev Saroya - England
Yamin Rausch - Switzerland
Liridon Zyba - Switzerland
Yvan Gonzalez - France
Joaquim Rodrigues - Portugal
Cleiton De Castro - Brazil
Hélio Ribeiro - Switzerland
Laurent William - France
Vito Carloone - Italy
-67,0 kgs * 147,74 lbs welterweight
World K-1 Rules Champion: Hojjat Biderafsh - Iran
Past World K-1 Rules Champion: Edi Vicente - Portugal; Robbie Horton – England
European Pro FC Champion: Luis Neves - Portugal
International Prestige Ãm FC K-1 Rules Champion: Phil Melia - England
Iberian Pro Full-contact Champion: Luis Neves - Portugal
All Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Zurab Aliev - Dagestan Rep.
Gadzi Hanipaev - Dagestan Rep.
Victor Conesa Jimenez - Spain
Jeremy Caillol - France
Alexandru Capatina - Portugal
Miguel Varela - Portugal
Florian Kodoume - France
Rahul Trivedi - India
Andryi Zvagin - Russia
Hugo Rego - Portugal
Djam - France
Alexandre Ribeiro - Portugal
Helder Pinho - Portugal
-69,0 kgs *152,15 lbs super welterweight
World K-1 Rules Champion: Meysam Agharezaei - Iran
Past World K-1 Rules Champion: Edi Vicente - Portugal
World Pugilato Champion: Edi Vicente - Portugal
Past World Pugilato Champion: Alexandru Capatina - Portugal / Moldova
European Am FC Champion: Kerimbeck Sozaev - Russia
Paraguay Am MT Champion: Andy la biesta Mendez
Brazil Am LK Champion: Robson Luiz
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Khadziev Bekkhan - Russia
Tanshyn Artem - Ukraine
Issanchou Alexandre - France
Oscar Roko - Spain
Vincent Stephane - France
Robson Luis - Brazil
Richard Pardo - Switzerland
Alexandre Frezzato - Switzerland
Jose Carlos - Portugal
Paulo Rodrigues - Portugal
Tsyrcor Oleg - Ukraine
Mitko Mitev - Bulgaria
Nykola Deyoza - Ukraine
-72,5 kgs * 159,86 lbs middleweight
World K-1 Rules Champion: Aliev Shamil - Dagestan Rep.
European Muay Thai Champion: Michael Magliano - Switzerland
European K-1 Rules Champion:Yannick Foeller - France
European Pro FC Champion: Mario Monteiro - Portugal
Switzerland K-1 Tournament Champion: Vaton Vukshinaj
Iberian Pro Full-contact Champion: José Francisco - Portugal
European Am FC Champion: Mykhaylo Tomyshynets - Ukraine
International Prestige FC Champion: Vacant
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Yllia Popov - Ukraine
Steeve Valente - France
Francisco Matos - Switzerland
Florian Choukkroun - Switzerland
Humberto Jose Toro - Venezuela
Michael Veillard - Switzerland
Marko Ovacevic - Switzerland
Paulo Silva - Portugal
Miguel Varela - Portugal
Fetsyk Nasar - Spain
Alejandro Rodriguez - Spain
Raymond Jiminez - France
Phillipe Heridge - England
Ludovic Riff - France
America Silva - Portugal
Roberto Pujales - Spain
Akoka Rolo - Portugal
Rui Amândio - Timor
-75,0 kgs * 165,38 lbs super middleweight
World K-1 Rules Champion: Seyed Ali Hosseini - Afghanistan
Past World K-1 Rules Champion: Jay Bimpson - England; Ruslan Shimansky - Portugal
World Full Contact Champion: Alibulatov Artur – Dagestan Rep.
World Full Contact Champion: Alibulatov Artur – Dagestan Rep.
European Muay Thai Champion: Diogo Calado – Portugal
World Junior K-1 Rules Champion: Danny Price – England
World Am MT Champion: Fernando Martins - Switzerland
International Prestige K-1 Rules Champion: Vitaliy Kalynyuk - Portugal
International Prestige Am FC Champion: Vincent Marcial - France
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Sapa Taras - Ukraine
Júlio Sanchez - Spain
Mohamed Sariri - Netherlands
Kerimbeck Sozaev - Russia
Hussein Hayati - Iran
Ricardo Ferreira - Portugal
Lino Moreira - Portugal
Pedro Barros - Switzerland
Eric Denis - France
Matthieu Jaeger - France
Lydon Yohan - France
Alain Camarasa - France
Mamadou Danfanka - Senegal
Nuno Teixeira - Portugal
Pedro Fernandes - Portugal
Gustavo Gonçalves - Portugal
Karl Kilbride - England
Emad Shewimy - Egypt
Langevillier - France
-78,5 kgs * 173,09 lbs light-heavyweight
World K-1 Rules Champion: Galbac Magomedzagidov - Rep. Dagestan
European Am FC Champion: Tavares Francis - France
International Prestige FC Champion: Mauricio - Portugal
International Prestige Am FC Champion: Fernando Soares - Portugal
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Karim Barusta - Switzerland
David Uberti - Switzerland
Bruno Santos - Portugal
Lotfi Talbo - Switzerland
Eduardo Lopes - Portugal
Julio Garcia - Spain
Ruslan Shimansky - Ukraine
Ricardo Oliveira - Portugal
Valdemar Silva - Portugal
-82,5 kgs * 181,91 lbs super light-heavyweight
World K-1 Rules Champion: Siamak Darius - Iran
World Am MT Champion: Michael Magliano - Italy
Brazil Am MT Champion: Davi Ferreira
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Jackson Alves De Souza - Brazil
Mauro Amaral - Portugal
Rafael Silva - Portugal
Christian Mendes - Portugal
Vitor Pereira - France
Jani Mauricio - Portugal
-84,5 kgs * 186,32 lbs cruiserweight
World K-1 Rules Champion: Toraj. Karimi - Iran
World LK Rules Champion: Daniel Frigola - Spain
Past World K-1 Rules Champion: Bley Louis - France
European FC Champion: Bourhis Benoit - France
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Daz Keaton - England
Muslim Gadzhiev - Russia
Alberto Matos - Portugal
Giorgi Kimadze - Georgia
Marco Coelho - Portugal
-88,5 kgs * 195,14 lbs super-cruiserweight
World K-1 Rules Champion: Ezequiel González - Argentina
Past World K-1 Rules Champion: Zakharov Yaroslav - Ukraine; Stephane Susperregui - France
All Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Artur Guseynov - Russia
Antonio Rubens - Brazil
Alikhan Magomedov - Russia
Avakyan Artur - Russia
Marcelo Barreira - Brazil
-91,5 kgs * 201,76 lbs heavyweight
World K-1 Rules Champion: Kévin Bavelard - France
World Am MT Champion: Sergey Izrailtyanko - Russia
Brazil Am MT Champion: Vinicius Rady
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
João Águas - Portugal
Divino Rui - Brazil
Luís Martins - Portugal
Toma Nicolai - Moldova
+ 91,5 kgs * +201,76 lbs super heavyweight
World Kickboxing Champion: Sliusarchuk Igor - Ukraine
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Miguel Calero - Spain
Marc Mc Dononald - England
João Neves - Portugal
Vinicius Burti - Brazil
Da Silva Jose - France
Miguel Simões - Portugal
Nounours Patrice - France
Sergey Petrenko - Russia
Oleksandr Burym - Ukraine
Tiago Sousa - Portugal
-65 kg
World Am K-1 Rules Champion: John Wiseby - Sweden
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Zlatko Gadzhev - Bulgaria
World Am K-1 Rules Champion: Ben Holcroft - England
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Kosianenko Vladislav - Ucrânia
-52 kg
World K-1 Rules Champion: Saeedeh. Sanei - Iran
European Pro FC Champion: Sandra Pinhel - Portugal
European Am FC Champion: Elodie Sousa - Luso France
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Mª Carmen Romero - Spain
Gohar Mohammadi - Afghanistan
Maria de Fátima - Portugal
Imilie Aurelie - France
-56 kg
World K-1 Rules Champion: Faezeh Jahanpirooz - Iran
World Am FC Champion: Elodie Sousa - Luso France
All Other Titles: Vacant
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Suadnizami Salimova - Azerbaijan
Sara Senator - Switzerland
Sandra Ernano - Portugal
Regine brouchoud - Switzerland
-60 kgs
World K-1 Rules Champion: Mina Karami - Iran
Swiss K-1 rules Champion: Janique Avanthay - Switzerland
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Sabina Sheydayeva - Russia
Priscilla Staubli - Switzerland
Cora Fontaine - France
Micaela Varela - Portugal
Anaïs Barras - Switzerland
Camarasa Bladine - France
Sabrina Gaudin - France
-65 kg
World FC Rules Champion: Anais Bernardo - Portugal
Swiss K-1 rules Champion: Janique Avanthay - Switzerland
N. - FIGHTER NAME - Country
Bellod Marine - France
Isabel Almeida - Portugal